Solar System 2 weeks of learning fun.Week 1 Jan 25-29 ----solar system covers 2 weeks
Day 1 Sun Day 2 Mercury Day 3 Venus Day 4 Earth Day 5 Mars Week 2 Feb 1-5 continue solar system Day 1 Jupiter Day 2 Saturn Day 3 Uranus Day 4 Neptune Day 5 Pluto & astro belt Art Project: Each day make a picture, drawling, or construction paper cutout of each plant and the sun then at the end of the 2 week put them together on a wall or table and create a solar system it's also a fun idea to put it on the ceiling of their bedroom. Suggestion for older kids is have them present 5 points on what they learn at the end of the day in a speaking format with note cards to be turned in. Can also be a casual dinner conversation. Solar System video Resources Great youtube playlist of educational solar system videos I was able to access many episodes about individual planets in the series "How the Universe Works" I have amazon prime and some episodes are free here. Formal Assignments I find Worksheets based on subject and education level at Teachers Pay Teachers my #1 place to search for any printable work. I try to find and share as many free options as possible but I have 3 paid subscription that to me are worth it. ABCmouse ($99 yr) , ($19 a month) and ($69 yr with discount) has a ton of free resources as well. In total I pay about $35 a month for 3 great resources for 2 kids. Daily Interactives My preschooler does only ABC mouse daily and a few times a week. My 1st Grader work on daily and then either or ABCmouse as a fun option. Example Day 1. To start the day we watch a Circle time video during breakfast or I put on PBS while I set up. 2. Next we watch a theme video on the Subject of the Day. Afterwards I ask them a few question and discuss the main point I want them to learn. (at you can find anything) 3. After the video we do a hands on project or worksheet based on the theme. has a ton) 4. Next I set them up with there Daily Interactive and make lunch. (free options at 5. Reading time I read a book, story or passage about the theme and we discuss the main points. (great resource 6. Finish up daily interactive goals and hands on project clean up and finish school day by 3pm 7. Free time dinner bed and then to it again.
Homeschooling a New NormalIt's not easy and I don't have all the answers but here is what I have been doing with my kids. After almost a complete year of homeschooling I have figured out something that works for us. It's all about themes each week is a theme with a focus in that subject each day. CategoriesArchives |